Home/Terms & Conditions



Article 1: Scope

The current terms and conditions govern the agreement between Gobsmack bv and its clients. When an order is placed at Gobsmack bv, this has the immediate consequence that the present general terms and conditions are fully accepted by the client. Our general as well as special sales and delivery conditions are considered to be accepted by the client, even if they would conflict with his own general or special purchase conditions. The latter only bind Gobsmack bv with explicit and written acceptance. Deviating and/or additional provisions shall not apply without written confirmation by Gobsmack bv and then only within the framework of the agreement for which they would have been accepted. These conditions apply to all offers, order confirmations, deliveries and invoices of Gobsmack bv.


Article 2: Description of the goods to be delivered

The goods to be delivered are described in the order form, the delivery note, on the invoice or by e-mail. In the absence of remarks about this within 8 days after receipt of any document from Gobsmack bv in which this description is included, the client is considered to have accepted this description.


Article 3: Offers and orders

The offers made by Gobsmack bv remain valid for 7 days. The offers remain the property of Gobsmack bv and may not be communicated or transferred to third parties. Each order or assignment made by the client connects the latter, but only connects Gobsmack bv after written acceptance. The orders are accepted by order confirmation or by a possible advance invoice.


Article 4: Cancellation

Any cancellation of the order must be done in writing and by registered mail and in order to obtain the ordered goods. It is only valid with written acceptance by Gobsmack bv. In case of cancellation, the client has to pay a fixed fee of 20% of the price of the order.


Article 5: Delivery

The goods are delivered at the time and place agreed upon. If the customer is not present at the agreed time and place, and if for these reasons the goods ordered at a later time no longer correspond to the description in the order confirmation, this disadvantage will be borne by the customer.


Article 6: Sales Price

The price is the one stated on the offer/order etc. of Gobsmack bv, unless Gobsmack bv is forced to adjust it to the evolution of its costs as a result of the changed daily price of certain products, excluding VAT, excise duties, duties, levies, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the offer. Such a possible price revision will take place in accordance with the legally permitted standards. Thus, the new price will be the same as stated on the invoice. In the absence of explicit specifications/quotations, the price shall be stated on the invoice. This article does not apply to quotations to – or orders placed by – a consumer.


Article 7: Complaints – Objections – Remarks

In view of the nature of the goods sold, any complaint regarding the goods delivered must be communicated to Gobsmack bv within 2 days after delivery with reference to the number of the invoice, or in the absence thereof, the delivery note. Complaints are no longer accepted from the 3rd day after the delivery of the goods. In that case, the customer is deemed to have accepted the delivered goods.


Article 8: Transfer of Ownership/Restriction of Ownership

The delivered goods remain the property of the seller until full payment of the principal sum, costs, interest and possible compensation. The customer bears the risks of damage, destruction, theft related to the delivered goods from the moment of delivery. If, in the event of non-payment of the total price on the due date, the goods have already been consumed or have lapsed, compensation must be paid in the amount of the value of the goods in question instead of the return of the goods.


Article 9: Payment

  1. Term: unless stated otherwise, the invoices of Gobsmack bv are payable within a term of 30 days after the date of the invoice. If payment is made within a week after the invoice date, you will receive a 2% discount on the total price without VAT, unless stated otherwise. The discounted amount must appear on our account at the latest on the date stated on the invoice.
  2. A lump sum of 35 EUR + VAT will be charged for delivery, unless the total invoice amount excluding VAT is higher than 500 EUR.
  3. Any discounts on products are explicitly mentioned in the offer or in the agreement.
  4. Conventional interest: the non-payment of the invoice on its due date automatically and without a notice of default being necessary, brings with it a conventional interest, amounting to 1% per month.
  5. E. Clause de dédommagement : le non-paiement de la facture à son échéance de plein droit et sans mise en demeure entraîne une augmentation du montant de la facture de 15%, soit une indemnité forfaitaire, avec un minimum de 20,00 EUR. Si Hordeum SPRL ne remplit pas ses obligations, elle doit au client consommateur au sens de l’article 1, 7 de la loi du 14 juillet 1991 relative aux pratiques commerciales et à l’information et la protection du consommateur, une indemnité équivalente.
  6. Frais de recouvrement : les intérêts et indemnités forfaitaires restent dus sans préjudice du droit de Gobsmack bv de réclamer des frais de recouvrement (y compris les frais et honoraires de son avocat).
  7. Clause de compensation : Le client n’a pas le droit de compenser les paiements que Gobsmack bv lui doit encore avec les dettes qu’il a envers Gobsmack bv, sauf accord contraire.


Article 10 : Force majeure

On entend par force majeure toutes circonstances indépendantes de la volonté des parties, qui ne peuvent être imputées à la faute de l’une des parties et qui sont d’une nature telle qu’il sera déraisonnable ou impossible d’exiger l’exécution du contrat par l’une des parties et qui ne sont pas à leur charge en vertu de la loi, d’un acte juridique ou de pratiques généralement acceptées. En cas de force majeure, aucune des parties n’est tenue de respecter le contrat ou de verser une quelconque indemnité. Les cas de force majeure incluent (mais ne sont pas limités à) : mesures étatiques, guerres, attaques terroristes, catastrophes naturelles, épidémies…. La maladie du client est expressément exclue en cas de force majeure. Les parties peuvent suspendre leurs obligations en vertu du contrat pour la durée du cas de force majeure. Si ce délai dure plus de 15 jours, l’une ou l’autre des parties a le droit de résilier le contrat, sans être obligée d’indemniser l’autre partie pour tout dommage. Toutefois, la partie dissoute est tenue d’informer l’autre partie de cette dissolution.


Article 11 : Droits d’accises

En cas de vente sous couvert de E-AD (Electronic Administrative Document) ou EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System), le client doit s’acquitter de toutes ses obligations dans le cadre des règlements d’accises applicables et indemniser Gobsmack bv des frais, amendes et taxes résultant de l’inexécution ou du retard dans le respect de ces obligations.


Article 12 : Litiges – Compétence juridictionnelle

Tout litige entre Gobsmack bv et le client est exclusivement régi par le droit belge. Tout litige entre Gobsmack bv et le client sera réglé exclusivement par le tribunal compétent du district judiciaire de Louvain et, le cas échéant, le Tribunal de Paix de Louvain.


Article 13 : Validité des dispositions

Dans l’hypothèse où une ou plusieurs des dispositions ci-dessus seraient ou seraient déclarées nulles et non avenues, toutes les autres dispositions des présentes conditions générales de vente resteront néanmoins applicables. Ceci ne constitue en aucun cas une raison de considérer ces conditions générales comme nulles et non avenues. Si une partie quelconque de ces dispositions est déclarée excessivement large, la disposition est, nonobstant ce fait, exécutoire jusqu’au maximum autorisé par la loi.

C 2019 Gobsmack

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